Moon Phase Trigram Meanings

Moon Phase Trigram Meanings of Earlier Heaven

The Sun, Moon and planets affect each other by the aspect phases they are in. Extra understanding can come from the aspect (Moon Phase) trigram they are in.

Phase Trigrams show the stage of the relationship each planet is in to each other planet. Like the Moon phases there are eight stages to any aspect cycle.

The Dark Half of the Waxing Dark Moon (Waxing New Moon Phase)

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The Dark Half of the Waxing Dark Moon (Waxing New Moon Phase)

The sun has made it strongest impression on the moon

And is beginning its effect on our behaviour.

This phase begins at the dark new moon

And ends at the crescent moon.

From the darkest depths to the first crescent of light

A first phase has begun.

Something within has changed and is impelling us to act.

This is the inner preparation to make ready our presentation to the world.

The seed moment has come and momentum begins,

Even if it is only an inner momentum.

Actions will follow thoughts.

The Light Half of the Waxing Dark Moon

(Waxing Crescent Moon Phase)


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The Light Half of the Waxing Dark Moon (Waxing Crescent Moon Phase)

The light can be seen

The crescent has appeared.

The light stands out brilliantly against the greater darkness.

Its increase will appear dramatic until the waxing half moon.

With the light comes hope.

A way forward can be seen.

Movement has begun and is increasing.

One will enthusiastically put out an extra effort.

 One needs to see where it will go.

In this second phase one will build on what has already started.

The Dark Half of the Waxing Light Moon (Waxing Half Moon Phase)

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The Dark Half of the Waxing Light Moon (Waxing Half Moon Phase)

Half lit, the balance can be seen.

The balance will be replaced by increasing light.

It will increase until it is three quarters full.

There will be a spontaneous impulse to act.

There is a growing happiness in the moment.

Hesitation and patience will be left behind.

There will be a strong impulse to move forward

And leave doubts and worries behind.

One will project one’s light with confidence.

Happiness will encourage creativity.

The Light Half of the Waxing Light Moon (Waxing Gibbous Moon Phase)




The Light Half of the Waxing Light Moon (Waxing Gibbous Moon Phase)

The  light is building here to its maximum at the full moon.

The moon lights up the night.

One can move even in darkness.

It is easy to get attention but difficult to reflect.

Who thinks of the seed when a flower is blooming?

One moves with the light.

Feelings are expressed without hesitation.

There will be creative action to enhance this expression.

The more positive the expression

the more fulfilled and happy one will be.

The Light Half of the Waning Light Moon (Waning Full Moon Phase)



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The Light Half of the Waning Light Moon (Waning Full Moon Phase)

As soon as the moon reaches it brightest

It begins to wane.

At first almost imperceptibly.

Amidst the great light comes much activity

And as the tide turns a new receptivity emerges.

One becomes sensitive to others.

Others begin to interact and have increasing influence.

This sensitivity to others reactions

Will have an increasing influence on one’s activities.

One must remain aware of the influence of others

And act accordingly.

A need for relevance and understanding grows.

The Dark Half of the Waning Light Moon (Waning Gibbous Moon Phase)

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The Dark Half of the Waning Light Moon (Waning Gibbous Moon Phase)

The light wanes and continues to wane

Until there is  a balance with darkness at the waning Half Moon.

One becomes critical of the hustle and bustle

And works towards attaining some calm.

One is over receptive and easily distracted.

One tries to be selective about the company one keeps.

An inner calling begins to be felt.

One is not quite ready to withdraw

But a preparation will be considered.

How to let go? How to turn inward?

The Light Half of the Waning Dark Moon (Waning Half Moon Phase)


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The Light Half of the Waning Dark Moon (Waning Half Moon Phase)

After a moment’s balance between the light and the dark,

The moon wanes and continues to wane

Until the crescent moon.

One starts to pull away and go within.

Movement will disturb the peace.

One waits for everyone to be still.

Not everyone is ready.

One will wait a little longer.

One will wait for until there are no responses.

The Dark Half of the Waning Dark Moon (Waning Crescent Moon Phase)

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The Dark Half of the Waning Dark Moon (Waning Crescent Moon Phase)

The light decreases from the crescent moon until the new moon.

From silence to darkness.

One senses the end of the cycle

And wonders of the coming new beginning.

One sees what one must let go of.

One senses what must de done to complete affairs.

Obstacles to completion will disturb one’s peace.

When one is ready the eyes will close.

The power and glory of trigrams!