Progressions of Carl Jung to his Marriage date.
Here we will compare the trigrams of Carl Jung’s natal chart to the trigrams of his progressed chart for the marriage.
Natal trigrams will be compared to Progressed trigrams giving hexagrams for his inner presence at the time of the marriage.
Carl Jung’s Natal Trigrams (Houses and Zodiac)
Carl Jung’s Progressed Marriage Trigrams (Houses and Zodiac)
Jung’s Natal Moon to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Mercury to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Venus to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Sun to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Mars to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Jupiter to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Saturn to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Uranus to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Neptune to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams
Jung’s Natal Pluto to his Progressed Marriage Trigrams