Transits of Carl Jung to his Marriage date.
Here we will compare the trigrams of Carl Jung’s natal chart to the trigrams of his transit chart for the marriage.
Natal trigrams will be compared to transit trigrams giving hexagrams for his situation at the time of the marriage. (As there was no time recorded for the marriage, the chart was rectified to suit the relationship. If the time were changed only the house trigrams would be different. The main focus on the rectification was the financial benefit to Carl Jung.)
Carl Jung’s Natal Trigrams (Houses and Zodiac)

Carl Jung’s Transit Marriage Trigrams (Houses and Zodiac)

Natal to Transiting Planets
While it is possible and worthwhile to compare each natal planet with each transiting planet, only those the natal Moon trigrams and the natal Sun trigrams are presented.
Jung’s Natal Moon to the Moon Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Mercury Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Venus Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Sun Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Mars Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Jupiter Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Saturn Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Uranus Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Neptune Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Moon to the Pluto Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Moon Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Mercury Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Venus Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Sun Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Mars Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Jupiter Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Saturn Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Uranus Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Neptune Transit Trigram

Jung’s Natal Sun to the Pluto Transit Trigram