Astro-I Ching Personal Early Heaven Study Guide of Carl Jung
Progressions of the Sun
Evolution of the Ego to the Soul
in the life of Carl Jung

Natal Horoscope of Carl Jung

Natal Horoscope with Zodiac Trigrams

Zodiac Trigram of Carl Jung’s Sun

_ _
The Light Half of Summer
Receptive to sound
Sensitive to words
One expects to be heard
When one is listened to much can be done.
When one is cared for much can be done.
Without attention one will go astray.
Without care one gets misguided.
Sensitive to others one over reacts
The response of others will determine one’s behaviour.
A nurturing response will empower the soul.
One acts for a response.
With a response one gains strength.
Natal Horoscope with House Trigrams

House Trigram for Carl Jung’s Sun

_ _
_ _
The Dark Half of the Light Afternoon (3 to 6 PM)
The light is decreasing.
From mid afternoon to sunset the light wanes.
One reflects on the relationships one has.
If there is a need for adjustment it becomes apparent.
If one can be receptive and accepting
Contentment is possible.
If one tries to change others, one will not sleep well.
One comes to see the value of sharing
And the quality of ones relationships.
There is always room for improvement.

The sun in a horoscope represents one’s life purpose and main goals. It reveals your essential creative spirit and how nature of your will power. When positive this shows as a natural sense of confidence but when negative can become arrogant or egotistical. The sun represents your need to be important and to do something with your life. One needs to feel that one is going somewhere and going to succeed. It represents your future, that is everything after this moment. It is your will power.
The sun rules the heart and can reveal the style and quality of one’s capacity to be noble. It often manifest as one’s self esteem. It can be seen as the will power to be significant. I am somebody!

The Integral Hexagram will provide images and metaphors that will reveal deeper insights into the way the Sun, Moon or planet will function in your life.

Sequential: Early Heaven Name and Number:
(Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number: 59. DISPERSION, DISSOLUTION)
Wind above, water below.
Wood above, water below.
Gentleness without, discrimination within.
Words over water can be heard from a great distance.
Must not one then be cautious about what one says?
Wind over the water.
A ship at sea.
Wind on the sails.
Good movement.
Great ideas must be presented gently.
Many problems can be solved through sympathetic discussions.
Do not cast blame.
Get on board.
Follow the momentum.
Gentle without, discriminating within.
Sensitive in one’s interaction with others.
Critical about one’s own worthiness.
If one improves one’s self
There will be a gentle penetrating influence on those around you.
Soothing words.
No dark thoughts are spoken.
A good example is worth a thousand words..
The second daughter to the first daughter.
The second daughter will be critical, but the first daughter will penetrate his defenses.
The second daughter tries to improve. The first daughter like to advise.
The second daughter is easily threatened. The first daughter is gentle.
The second daughter will listen. The first daughter will speak.
The second daughter is discriminating.
The first daughter will try to influence the second daughter decisions.
The second daughter tries to think things through for herself.
The first daughter will try to influence through suggestions.
The second daughter is critical of what the first daughter eats.
The first daughter will often have to cook for the second daughter.
The second daughter should be cautious about voicing criticism.
The first daughter will remind the second daughter of her errors.
06-12 VI: 59. Dispersion, Dissolution
Growing responsibilities.
Like a ship at sea, one is driven by the needs of the day.
Duty will be the wind on your sails.
You will be known for your ability and for your work ethic.
Complete what you start.
If you do not let others down
Good words about you will spread and increase opportunities.
Good work will be rewarded.
Music of the Hexagram
Below is the score for playing the hexagram musically. Each line has a note in the chromatic scale. Each line also has a colour and a zodiac sign associated to it. This allows for further creative exploration of the implications of the hexagram.

Chanting the Hexagram
Each hexagram can also be chanted. There is a unique chant for each hexagram which can, if done properly, open up a deeper inner presence. When one is ready to go beyond the mind these chants can be invaluable.
Chanting can dissolve thought forms and open the mind to a new silent presence.
Tapping the Inner Depths—Turning Duality into Unity
By chanting the hexagram one can tune into the inner depths.
When one says a name of God, God is there.
Om is a name of God that one can chant for a solid line, for Yang.
Hari is a name of God that one can chant for a broken line, for Yin.
By chanting the hexagrams one can , in time, turn duality into unity.
The Integral Natal Hexagram

Progressed Integral Hexagrams
The horoscope is based on the moment you take your first breath. At that moment time is seemingly frozen and the pattern of the solar system at that moment of time and point in space becomes your horoscope. At that moment you are 100% pure potential. Everything you are capable of doing in your life is already in you. So the horoscope is the map or blueprint of your potentials. The planets are fixed in their positions and relationships.
The world, however does not stop because you got on it. Everything keeps moving and changing. Every day you are alive you will move one day away from your pure potentials at birth. The older we are the further we are from our pure potentials and the more effort it takes to be yourself.
Our great beginning is our horoscope and our great ending is our death. What happens in between is our life. Your horoscope is like a clock with ten hands, each moving at different speeds. The ten hands are the Sun Moon and planets. At birth they are set in a specific point. These natal planetary positions are like alarms on a clock. They are silent until the appropriate time arises.
In 24 hours we have experience one rotation of the earth (one day). In one month we have experienced on Moon cycle. In one year we have experienced a orbit of the earth or one cycle of the zodiac. In about 2 years we have experienced a Mars cycle. In 12 years – a Jupiter cycle. In 29 years a Saturn cycle. In 84 years a Uranus cycle. In a lifetime we never experience a complete cycle of Neptune or Pluto. These cycles represent the transiting cycles of the planets and we act out our life in tune with them to one degree or another. These are the real time cycles in life.
There is another set of cycles that represent our inner world and what we inwardly experience as we travel through our life against the background of the transiting cycles. These other time cycles are based on how much each planet moves in 1 day.
The foundational idea behind these inner progressions is that we spend nine months in the womb and then it takes three more months before we have completed a full cycle of the zodiac. Against this background, each day becomes a symbol of one year of our life. 90 days represents 90 years. If we live a full life we will experience three moon cycles and one Mercury cycle. We will only experience part of the other planets cycles. Which parts will parallel parts of our inner experiences. This is called the world of secondary progressions.
The Sun is the most important factor as it represents the inner development of our heart and confidence. It reveals what is inwardly important to us as we grow through life. If we live ninety years it will be represented by what happens in the first 90 days of our life. Every experience we have in these first 90 days will have a special effect that will surface in the corresponding year of our life. This takes some maturity to perceive but when one studies these cycles a very profound sequence of symbols and subsequent metaphors become apparent. When applied to one’s life an inner confirmation or affirmation can occur.
By observing the phases of the Sun’s movement through the zodiac signs (Year) , and through the houses (Day), we witness two cycles happening at the same time. These cycles are unique to every individual. In this work we are using the eight trigrams of the I Ching to represent the Zodiac and the houses. The zodiac trigram that the sun is in compared to the House trigram the Sun is in, will produce an Integral Hexagram representing the energy and implications of the moment. The metaphors and symbols from this hexagram has profound relevance to one’s life and can be used a a standard to live according to.
We start with the Natal Integral Hexagram. As we live longer, the natal hexagram will evolve into other Integral Hexagrams that will, in turn, represent the inner themes of our life. Against this background we can observe the inner implications of our life experiences.
Progressed Sun through the Zodiac

Progressed Sun through the First Half of Leo
1875-07-26 to 1887-10-10

When the progressed Sun enters Leo a period of sacrifice begins. Individual accomplishments will be energized and accentuated, and this develops a very strong sense of “I”. I did this. I am the winner or leader. This is my life. However, all these accomplishments and the corresponding sense of “I” that comes with it, are filters that block the higher light.
The lower mind must learn to listen to the higher mind, the universal consciousness. One’s sense of self-importance must be subdued to be able to listen to the higher self. A sacrifice will be required. A sacrifice of one’s individual self-assertion, a self-imposed crucifixion of the personal ego will be required to advance to higher levels of consciousness. One must learn to subordinate one’s identity and mind to the higher universal mind. One must learn to let the Soul guide the individual self.
One needs to let go of the sense of “I” and acknowledge the sense of “Thy”, as in Thy will be done and may it direct my will to do so for the betterment of all.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, representing confidence and self-esteem. At the lower levels one’s individual confidence rules supreme, but to reach soul consciousness and being, one will have to subdue that self confidence. A humbler being will be required to be receptive to the higher will. One will need to destroy whatever interferes with the spiritual radiance of the Soul. One must learn to sacrifice the “I” to become surrendered to “Thy”.
Progressed Sun through the First Half of Leo
1875-07-26 to 1887-10-10

The Light Half of Summer
Receptive to sound
Sensitive to words
One expects to be heard
When one is listened to much can be done.
When one is cared for much can be done.
Without attention one will go astray.
Without care one gets misguided.
Sensitive to others one over reacts
The response of others will determine one’s behaviour.
A nurturing response will empower the soul.
One acts for a response.
With a response one gains strength.
Progressed Sun through the Last Half of Leo
1887-10-10 to 1903-05-18

The Dark Half of Summer
Sensitive to comments
One learns to adjust.
One strives to improve
And withdraws in the face of criticism.
Overly sensitive about what one does
And the response one gets.
Quick to disassociate.
One struggles to control the mind.
Words of criticism will cause alienation.
Progressed Sun through Virgo
1903-05-18 to 1934-04-01

When the progressed Sun enters Virgo a thirty-year period of manifesting spirituality begins. One will have to struggle mentally to reassess what is true and to make the extra effort to bring forth new spiritual ideas into the world. There will be a critical challenge here where one has to integrate the presence of Soul into the very fabric of one’s life. One needs to make the spirit become one with the form.
One will be challenged to integrate a new duality into one’s understanding and learn to live with it. This is the duality of form and spirit. One has to integrate the Piscean understanding with the Virgo knowledge. This can occur on many levels and the results will become apparent in one’s life. The more spiritual the focus the more soulful one will become.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and the work here is to refine and elevate the mind to be able to listen to the soul. Then one can attune the body to the soul and bring the higher frequencies into manifestation, becoming in truth the living spirit.
Progressed Sun through Virgo
1903-05-18 to 1934-04-01

The Dark Half of Summer
Sensitive to comments
One learns to adjust.
One strives to improve
And withdraws in the face of criticism.
Overly sensitive about what one does
And the response one gets.
Quick to disassociate.
One struggles to control the mind.
Words of criticism will cause alienation.
Progressed Sun through Libra
1934-04-01 to 1964-08-06

When the progressed Sun enters Libra a thirty-year period of balance begins. The balance between the forces of nature and the forces of spirit. One will have to discern the worthiness of one desires and likes, against the silent revelations of the spirit. One cannot control the desire nature by physical strength or thought alone. One struggles to find the middle way between these two forces. This narrow razor-edged path will lead man into the kingdom of the soul.
One must balance spirit and matter and find divinity in form. One needs to maintain the purity of one’s vision in the midst of worldly desires and distractions. From this struggle comes a sense of service and an appreciation of beauty, fragrance and colour. One learns to express the spirit and the higher mind through love and relationships. One learns to share the silence of one’s heart without losing it.
Libra is ruled by Venus and the work here is to learn to value the inner silence and let it guide one’s worldly affairs and relationships. One learns the way of peace through great trials and tribulations in relationships, just as a flower blossoms through the pressures of a growing plant. Often this presence develops through artistic expressions of relationships.
Progressed Sun through Libra
1934-04-01 to 1964-08-06

The Light Half of Autumn
One waits for the response of others.
A positive response will inspire activity. (Creativity)
A negative response will justify inertia.
One wants to be heard
A listening ear will increase trust.
Appreciation will encourage interaction, communication and sharing.
Without the hope of a response
One remains inert.
Progressed Sun through the First Half of Scorpio
1964-08-06 to Transition

When the progressed Sun enters Scorpio a thirty-year period of surrendering and conquering. One has to overcome the sense of failure from past events, mistakes made, and thought forms from accumulated bad deeds. One will be challenged to unify or become at-oned with all pairs of opposites. Dark desires must be overcome and exposed to the light of wisdom.
The reality of a new and higher light can dissolve the dark clusters of thoughts in one’s mind and memories. But one will have to have a sincere commitment to that light. One must develop a new soulful perspective and then one can sublimate the lower nature. One will have to develop humility, courage and discrimination to succeed. The light of the higher intuitive mind will be needed to overcome the chains of the analytical mind.
The great illusion of matter, form and selfishness must be overcome by the light of the soul. This represents a death or transition from the old lower energies to the new higher light. One must discover that one’s higher light is real. Service to the light will need to replace selfish desires.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars. There will be nine main problems to solve and overcome. They are: sex and the separative mind, comfort and self-centeredness, fear, hatred, desire for power, pride, separateness, and cruelty.
By bringing light into the dark recesses of the subconscious a cleansing process will take place. Victory will not begin until one’s mind, emotional nature, and physical nature are coordinated and functioning as a single unit. One learns that the purpose of one’s body and life is to be a channel for spiritual expression, for the higher light. One must die to the old lower tendencies to be reborn in the light.
Progressed Sun through the First Half of Scorpio
1964-08-06 to Transition

The Light Half of Autumn
One waits for the response of others.
A positive response will inspire activity. (Creativity)
A negative response will justify inertia.
One wants to be heard
A listening ear will increase trust.
Appreciation will encourage interaction, communication and sharing.
Without the hope of a response
One remains inert.
Progressed Sun through the Houses

Progressed Sun through House 7
1875-07-26 to 1929-06-15

The Dark Half of the Light Afternoon (3 to 6 PM)
The light is decreasing.
From mid afternoon to sunset the light wanes.
One reflects on the relationships one has.
If there is a need for adjustment it becomes apparent.
If one can be receptive and accepting
Contentment is possible.
If one tries to change others, one will not sleep well.
One comes to see the value of sharing
And the quality of ones relationships.
There is always room for improvement.
Progressed Sun through the First Half of House 8
1929-06-15 to 1949-03-18

The Dark Half of the Light Afternoon (3 to 6 PM)
The light is decreasing.
From mid afternoon to sunset the light wanes.
One reflects on the relationships one has.
If there is a need for adjustment it becomes apparent.
If one can be receptive and accepting
Contentment is possible.
If one tries to change others, one will not sleep well.
One comes to see the value of sharing
And the quality of ones relationships.
There is always room for improvement.
Progressed Sun through the Second Half of House 8
1949-03-18 to Transition

The Light Half of the Light Afternoon (12 to 3 PM)
Light is decreasing but it is too bright to notice.
One can see what is going on.
Who and what one aligns to will have profound implications.
If one maintains worthy principles
And aligns with like minded people,
Works of significant social value can be achieved.
If one can be receptive to individuals of merit
Ones sense of community will blossom.
If one cannot listen to others,
How could one expect to be listened to.
Progressed Sun to the Planets

Progressed Sun conjunct Uranus: Exact 1887-07-28
In Effect 1886-01-28 to 1889-01-28
When the Progressed Sun conjuncts Uranus a three-year period of significant change and excitement begins. One’s confidence becomes directed towards innovation and independence. One will need to break away from old, crystallized patterns that are holding one back. This need to be different, will present one with opportunities to rebel or move away from old established patterns. There will be an inner confidence that reinforces your independence, and actions in favour of it. So if there is something special that you want to do, this is the time to start moving towards it. This is a time when taking some risks could have significant advantages. Will you dare! While this conjunction is in effect, Uranus transits and natal aspects will be enhanced. If you fight the need for change, anxieties will increase until the change is made.
To help one move in a more spiritual direction, Uranus can breakup anything you are comfortable with or used to, if it will help you to let go of things that hold you back. It is a catalyst for change. With the Progressed Sun conjunct Uranus, a soulful purpose can empower new adventures and creative expressions. Clingy, lethargic relations will invite disruptions. Here the heart needs to break free and find confidence in a new direction.

Progressed Sun conjunct Jupiter: Exact 1958-05-14
In Effect 1956-11-14 to 1959-11-14
When the Progressed Sun conjuncts Jupiter a three-year period of revitalizing your outlook on life begins. This will bring a vital confidence in your understanding. A new powerful perspective on life is emerging. People and situations will arise to improve your understanding. Your confidence will inspire you to put this understanding into action. Much depends on the level and quality of your perspective. If it lacks principles or spiritual insight, then you will attract difficulties until your outlook is improved. No matter what you are doing there is something to learn from it. One’s outlook will expand, and this can come from new experiences, traveling, or running into new ideas and teachers. At its best one’s outlook expands to be receptive to the presence of soul and its light. Whatever can make you wiser will come into your life and challenge you to respond. Jupiter represents the assimilation of experience, and the conjunction with the progressed Sun implies the assimilation of the inner light. Sometimes a new lucky experience happens, and sometimes a difficult experience that teaches you to be wiser happens. The challenge here is to practice what you preach and to live up to your higher understanding. At least there is a need to improve upon what you have learned.
Progressed Sun through the Zodiac, Houses and Planets

Progressed Sun through the Zodiac, Houses and Planets
With Zodiac and House Trigrams

Progressions of the Sun for a Lifetime
Evolution Carl’s Soul
Expressed in Hexagrams

Evolution of the Soul: Stage 1
1875-07-26 to 1887-10-10

Sequential: Early Heaven Name and Number:
(Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number: 59. DISPERSION, DISSOLUTION)
Wind above, water below.
Wood above, water below.
Gentleness without, discrimination within.
Words over water can be heard from a great distance.
Must not one then be cautious about what one says?
Wind over the water.
A ship at sea.
Wind on the sails.
Good movement.
Great ideas must be presented gently.
Many problems can be solved through sympathetic discussions.
Do not cast blame.
Get on board.
Follow the momentum.
Gentle without, discriminating within.
Sensitive in one’s interaction with others.
Critical about one’s own worthiness.
If one improves one’s self
There will be a gentle penetrating influence on those around you.
Soothing words.
No dark thoughts are spoken.
A good example is worth a thousand words..
The second daughter to the first daughter.
The second daughter will be critical, but the first daughter will penetrate his defenses.
The second daughter tries to improve. The first daughter like to advise.
The second daughter is easily threatened. The first daughter is gentle.
The second daughter will listen. The first daughter will speak.
The second daughter is discriminating.
The first daughter will try to influence the second daughter decisions.
The second daughter tries to think things through for herself.
The first daughter will try to influence through suggestions.
The second daughter is critical of what the first daughter eats.
The first daughter will often have to cook for the second daughter.
The second daughter should be cautious about voicing criticism.
The first daughter will remind the second daughter of her errors.
06-12 VI: 59. Dispersion, Dissolution
Growing responsibilities.
Like a ship at sea, one is driven by the needs of the day.
Duty will be the wind on your sails.
You will be known for your ability and for your work ethic.
Complete what you start.
If you do not let others down
Good words about you will spread and increase opportunities.
Good work will be rewarded.
Music of the Hexagram
Below is the score for playing the hexagram musically. Each line has a note in the chromatic scale. Each line also has a colour and a zodiac sign associated to it. This allows for further creative exploration of the implications of the hexagram.

Chanting the Hexagram
Each hexagram can also be chanted. There is a unique chant for each hexagram which can, if done properly, open up a deeper inner presence. When one is ready to go beyond the mind these chants can be invaluable.
Chanting can dissolve thought forms and open the mind to a new silent presence.
Tapping the Inner Depths—Turning Duality into Unity
By chanting the hexagram one can tune into the inner depths.
When one says a name of God, God is there.
In this first stage the natal Integral Hexagram predominates.
The natal theme will be the evolutionary theme for the Stage. 1

Evolution of the Soul: Stage 2
1887-10-10 to 1934-04-01

18. SELF ANALYSIS, Moving Water
Sequential: Early Heaven Name and Number:
(Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number: …29. THE ABYSMAL WATER)
The abyss above and the abyss below.
Water above and water below.
Critical without and critical within.
Danger of too much analysis.
Without a change of attitude,
It will be difficult to find good helpers.
One will feel obliged to do everything oneself.
Health and hygiene.
Danger upon danger.
Discrimination over the corners of the mouth.
Great care is needed over what goes in
and what comes out of the mouth.
Too much negativity can destroy.
To be sparing of words is helpful.
If you don’t have something good to say, don’t say it!
Concentrate on self improvement.
Danger can be diminished but not by empowering it.
Brooding will increase danger.
Good food, good drink, simple exercise, or nothing!
Set an example!
Cleanliness is close to divine.
Difficulties within, difficulties without.
Powerful position with limited resources.
Strong motivation, weak application.
Power in one’s inner depth accompanied by a lack of self discipline.
A position of authority with moderate support.
If one does not keep busy there will be trouble.
If one does not keep others busy there will be trouble.
So much to do, so little time.
The second daughter to herself.
The second daughter is naturally discriminating.
She is critical about what she eats and about what is said.
She tends to withdraw.
She does not appreciate the criticism of others.
She is a perfectionist and senses the need for improvement.
She is vulnerable to the danger of too much discrimination.
She can be very lazy or work very hard
But she does not like to be watched
Or told what to do.
She is sensitive to matters of health and hygiene
And she does not want to get old.
She tends to be closer to the mother than the father.
12-18 VI: 29. The Abysmal, Water
Darkness increases and so does responsibility.
So many people. So much to do.
One cannot be perfect for everyone.
It is enough to do the best that one can
And fix what needs to be fixed.
Do not make promises. Do not voice criticism.
Strive to improve your techniques.
Do not rely on others. Do the job yourself.
One can be crippled by criticism… within and without.
Silence is golden.
Actions speak louder than words.
Music of the Hexagram
Below is the score for playing the hexagram musically. Each line has a note in the chromatic scale. Each line also has a colour and a zodiac sign associated to it. This allows for further creative exploration of the implications of the hexagram.

Chanting the Hexagram
Each hexagram can also be chanted. There is a unique chant for each hexagram which can, if done properly, open up a deeper inner presence. When one is ready to go beyond the mind these chants can be invaluable.
Chanting can dissolve thought forms and open the mind to a new silent presence.
Tapping the Inner Depths—Turning Duality into Unity
By chanting the hexagram one can tune into the inner depths.
When one says a name of God, God is there.
In this second stage a different Integral Hexagram becomes the inner theme.
It begins to work withing the natal theme.
It reveals an new set of concerns developing within

Evolution of the Soul: Stage 3
1934-04-01 to 1949-03-18

Sequential: Early Heaven Name and Number:
(Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number: 4. YOUTHFUL FOLLY)
The mountain above, the abyss below.
Standing on the edge of a crevasse is dangerous.
Keeping still without, danger within.
One meets criticism with inertia.
Improvements are needed.
Inertia is immature and foolish.
How long will one wait?
A swamp at the foot of the mountain.
Walking is dangerous.
Keeping still is even more dangerous.
And it is dark.
One must wait for the light to return
Before taking the first step.
Do not wait too long.
There is no time to stop and eat.
There is no place for idle chatter or gossip.
Return, from the brink of disaster.
Stillness without, inadequacy within.
Responsibilities persevere.
One will have difficulty living up to expectations.
Authority cannot rely on incompetence.
It furthers to maintain integrity in one’s character.
To rest in unvirtuous conduct would be folly.
There is no virtue in laziness!
The second daughter to the third daughter.
The second daughter tries to improve things.
The third daughter will accept things as they are.
The second daughter is critical. The third daughter rests content.
The second daughter analyzes. The third daughter evaluates.
The second daughter’s words will fall on deaf ears.
The second daughter will have to show an advantage
Before the third daughter will respond.
The second daughter is discriminating. The third daughter is selective.
The second daughter will work harder and be more serious than the third daughter.
The third daughter will keep still.
She does not want to be pulled into difficult situations.
18-24 VI: 4. Youthful Folly
There is more work to be done.
One tends to delay
Thinking that it is too much to accomplish.
One underestimates one’s own capacity.
Don’t explain.
No one wants to know why you don’t want to do something.
Get busy. Do what you can.
One step at a time.
The workload will thereby diminished
Without further thought.
Music of the Hexagram
Below is the score for playing the hexagram musically. Each line has a note in the chromatic scale. Each line also has a colour and a zodiac sign associated to it. This allows for further creative exploration of the implications of the hexagram.

Chanting the Hexagram
Each hexagram can also be chanted. There is a unique chant for each hexagram which can, if done properly, open up a deeper inner presence. When one is ready to go beyond the mind these chants can be invaluable.
Chanting can dissolve thought forms and open the mind to a new silent presence.
Tapping the Inner Depths—Turning Duality into Unity
By chanting the hexagram one can tune into the inner depths.
When one says a name of God, God is there.
In this third stage a new Integral Hexagram becomes the inner theme.
It begins to work withing the natal theme.
It reveals an new set of concerns developing within

Evolution of the Soul: Stage 4
1949-03-18 to Transition

Sequential: Early Heaven Name and Number:
(Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number:
The mountain above, wind below.
Trees at the foot of the mountain.
Keeping still above, gentle penetration below.
Sensitive words will have a healing effect.
Gentleness may not move the mountain
But it will be able to influence it.
Movement at the foot of the mountain.
Clear a path.
Cut the weeds, move the fallen trees and stones.
Change is eminent.
It is time to overcome inertia.
To prepare the way is noble indeed.
Patience without, sensitivity within.
To change the outer world
One must first work on oneself.
The way must be prepared within.
Inner determination will be needed.
One will have to be conscientious.
What can be said until the work within is done?
No one will listen.
The worthy will have nothing to say.
The first daughter to the third daughter.
The first daughter is persuasive. The third daughter will exercise restraint.
The third daughter can be influenced,
But the first daughter will have to show her what can be gained.
The first daughter is expressive and knows how to increase her influence.
The third daughter will think that the first daughter can be too assertive and bossy.
When the first daughter approaches,
the third daughter knows there will be a hidden agenda.
The first daughter uses her time. The third daughter protects her time.
The first daughter is perceptive. The third daughter is selective.
06-12 LE: 18. Work On What Has Been Spoiled
Care of the garden.
One waits and measures the effect of the wind on the crops.
If there is damage one must repair what one can.
Remain attentive to the implications.
One cannot simply leave everything to nature
And rest content.
Results will improve if one helps.
Music of the Hexagram
Below is the score for playing the hexagram musically. Each line has a note in the chromatic scale. Each line also has a colour and a zodiac sign associated to it. This allows for further creative exploration of the implications of the hexagram.

Chanting the Hexagram
Each hexagram can also be chanted. There is a unique chant for each hexagram which can, if done properly, open up a deeper inner presence. When one is ready to go beyond the mind these chants can be invaluable.
Chanting can dissolve thought forms and open the mind to a new silent presence.
Evolution of the Soul: Stage 4
1949-03-18 to Transition
Tapping the Inner Depths—Turning Duality into Unity
By chanting the hexagram one can tune into the inner depths.
When one says a name of God, God is there.
In this fourth stage a new Integral Hexagram becomes the inner theme.
It begins to work withing the natal theme.
It reveals an new set of concerns developing within

A personal Progressed Soul report can be ordered online at