Zodiac House Hexagrams
Integral Hexagrams

A grid listing each planet, sun and moon in the Zodiac Sign, Zodiac Trigram, House Trigram and House in Carl Jung’s horoscope.

The Zodiac Trigram is placed at the top.
The House Trigram is placed at the bottom.
This gives the Integral Hexagram for the planet,
in this case for Carl Jung’s Sun
The upper Zodiac Trigram rules from the Heavens above.
The lower House Trigram rules from the Earth below.
This aligns with the tradition associations given to the upper and lower trigrams.
The Integral Hexagram integrates the trigram phase of the Zodiac with the trigram phase of the Houses.

In the above diagram you can see the layout for Carl Jung’s Sun.
On the left hand side at the top is the Zodiac Sign and Trigram.
On the right hand side is the House Trigram and House number.
In the middle is the Integral Hexagram (Zodiac-House hexagram) and its name.
At the bottom on the left hand side all of the planets , the Zodiac Sign, and Zodiac Trigram are listed. This will allow you to quickly determine the zodiac trigrams for each aspect and the associated hexagram.
At the bottom on the right hand side all of the planets, the House Trigram and the House number are listed. This will allow you to quickly determine the house trigrams for each aspect and the associated trigram.
A complete presentation of Carl Jung’s trigrams and hexagrams will be found in the Horoscope Interpretation tab.