Zodiac House Hexagrams – Integral Hexagrams
For any planet, Sun or Moon, there is a Zodiac trigram and a House trigram.
When these two are put together you get an Integral Hexagram, that will merge the meanings of the zodiac and house phases.
This adds a special depth to the planetary assessment.
The House trigram will go at the bottom and the Zodiac trigram will be above.
Carl Jung’s Horoscope
Carl Jung’s Zodiac and House Trigram Form
Carl Jung’s Moon and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Mercury and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Venus and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Sun and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Mars and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Jupiter and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Saturn and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Uranus and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Neptune and its Integral Hexagram
Carl Jung’s Pluto and its Integral Hexagram